
The Frequently Asked Ones are not on this page, since there is an excellent FAQ section
on William Stearns freedups page
Please note, that freedup is a completely independant implementation, with other means and other capabilities.
The Main difference is the ability of freedup to provide symlinks from different file systems.

And here are my questions.
How do you like the performance of freedup?
Are the provided packages what you want?
What about the documentation. Is it sufficient?
Please provide me some feedback here or per mail.

Users Comments

Wiki: Howto use Freedup to improve rsnapshop.
A discussion on FreeDup in conjunction with rsnapshot.
Verschiedene Meinungen zu Freedup und Alternativen in Deutsch.
Frühjahrs-/Winter-Putz im RadioTux-Blog
Japanese Selection of hot linux tools
Japanese Comment on Aikawa.TV
Miroslav Suchy resports on
However, I hope the Japanese and Czech comments are positive. I am fortunate to tell, there are currently no unresolved bug reports.


On FreshMeat.Net by myself immediately after completed upload to these pages.
On IceWalkers a bit delayed by myself and others.
On Softpedia by somebody else.
There are also several download pages referenced, that supply the codes for various releases.

Contacts and Credits

Please send comments, suggestions, bug reports, patches, and/or additions to .

A lot of different web sites were helpful. I used William Stearns freedups for many years quite successfully until I lacked some features, which freedup fixes.

Thanks for compiling and publishing to Tony Graffy on SuSE RPMs at packmans and Dag Wieers on RedHat, CentOS and Fedora RPMs at his own site.

Thanks to Tomasz Muras with his Perfect Match for being a fair competitor.

Thanks to Thorsten Leemhuis and c't (24/2007) on writing and publishing "Auswahl satt", which is a German article about "System-Utlities für Linux", which covers these topics: file managers, sorting & finding, and archiving files. Freedup was his choice to find and link duplicate files.

Thanks to Michael Riepe and iX (11/2007) on writing and publishing "Entdoppeltes Lottchen", which is a German article about "Dateien mit gleichem Inhalt finden und beseitigen". He spent one third of the article on freedup (counting paragraphs).

My thanks to all the individuals who were asking me for certain improvements or corrections. This raised the usability of Freedup and therefore helped them, others and me. [I do not publish names of communication partners using private mail, except being explicitely authorized.]


This software is for free of charge. On the other hand there also no liability for whatsoever.

Just in case you feel obliged to provide me some return and you are not contributing in other ways to the software community, I kindly ask you to visit my advertisment section. If you intend to buy one of the offerings there, I will receive some bonus.